When I’m With You // Jordan and Jamie’s Wedding Highlight from The Brazos Cotton Exchange in Bryan, Texas

Jordan and Jamie were one of these unique couples. She’s the outgoing bride with political aspirations and a personality to match, while he is the reserved and strong doctor with a good sense for what’s right and how to fix what’s broken. If you spend a bit of time with these two, you will see that they bring out the best in one another.

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Turner Into A Bearden // Gracie and Blake’s Wedding Highlight Film from Northwest Bible Church and the Dallas Frontiers of Flight Museum

“Turner into a Bearden” were the words chanted as Gracie and Blake left their wedding reception last November. In case you didn’t get it, her last name “Turner,” sounded remarkably like “Turn Her,” which is exactly what the wedding did – it turned her into a Bearden. I knew immediately that I had the perfect title for their wedding film.

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